Thursday 13 November 2014

trying to explain

I'm trying to make an A5 sheet to go with what I'm showing at MakeReading – and finding it very hard to put into words. Basically things seems to be sparked off by finds in junk shops, on the beach, in the garden, in old books – and one thing leads to another. I've had to put it together with pictures instead of words.

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Monday 16 June 2014

{ all done }

some photos from the Studio Trail this weekend. and thank you to all who came to visit. our collaborations both went well. here's the wall with our 202 matchboxes:

and Emma did fantastic flower arrangements with these flowers from the allotment:

[photographs of my drawings didn't come out well at all though!]

it’s all packed away now, but some of these might make a reappearance in the winter.

Wednesday 11 June 2014

{ nearly time }

finishing touches, and starting to set up. We're visit-able this weekend, 11-6 Saturday and Sunday.

Friday 30 May 2014

{ two weeks to go }

getting close now – just two weeks away.
see – – for more information.
i’ll be drawing my 119th matchbox drawing today. 120th tomorrow, and then that’s the set complete, ready to show in a fortnight.

Monday 26 May 2014

{ new marks }

i've just returned from a two-day workshop which was part of Stroud International Textiles festival. it's been brilliant. led by Jilly Morris, who was generous, enthusiastic, playful and very very knowledgeable. i'd recommend any future workshops if you get the chance. am now excitedly starting on a series of allotment drawings, building on marks made over the weekend ...

Friday 23 May 2014

{ at last }

with a bit of a prod, here are some images at long last. working towards this year’s Studio Trail and making tiny bowls, amongst other things. the daily drawings have been continuing and there will be four month’s worth on show in June. the website for the Trail is nearly up and running and I'll add details when it’s ready.

Thursday 24 April 2014

{ been a long time }

ages and ages since i added anything, but haven't been idle.
have at least been doing a small drawing every day, to be shown as a set during the Studio Trail in June. here's a sample from recent days. will try to post more often.

Thursday 6 March 2014

{ work in progress }

photos, print, stitching ... part of the largest piece yet

the french knots don't work at a distance though, so am wondering what to do

Friday 28 February 2014

{ reclaimed }

the old doll’s house, previously a bird house and a moss house, now out of the shed and destined to become a museum ...

Thursday 27 February 2014

{ recordings }

busy with a new project, which involves drawing every day. today i have scanned all the February drawings and this is a small section of the whole sheet.

Tuesday 4 February 2014

Wednesday 29 January 2014

{ wow }

Seen yesterday. Dozens of real birds, none of them scraggy or faded. It had already been sold, but I was very tempted ...

Friday 17 January 2014

{ it’s not that I haven’t been busy … }

but I’d rather be working in my notebooks, or making things, or digging and planting. So this blog is sadly neglected. Will try to get back to it soon, but here are some notebook pages in the meantime. They're much more fun than typing …